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Seven Baptisms - Not Alone - Gratefulness - Preschool Campus Classroom

Writer's picture: Tim CrawfordTim Crawford
The Friday Finish – October 18, 2024

Seven Baptized at Homecoming Chapel

It’s now an Alumni Homecoming tradition that Red Bird Christian School students travel up to the original Beverly Campus for their weekly chapel service at the Beverly United Methodist Church. It’s also becoming a time that students are baptized at the confluence of Cow Fork and Mud Lick. This year, seven students that have professed faith in Jesus Christ asked to be baptized at the conclusion of the special Friday chapel service.

Students and family members gathered around on the creek banks and bridge to witness the baptisms of their colleagues. Mr. John Lundy, Middle/High School Science Teacher, asked each student to confirm their acceptance of Christ as their Savior for the forgiveness of sins and their commitment to follow Him. Mr. Brett Collett, Technology & Elementary/Middle School PE Teacher, assisted Mr. Lundy with the full immersion baptisms, and those gathered cheered and clapped as the baptized came up out of the water.

Unity Homecoming Chapel Message Shared with Students

Rev. Robert Wood (Class of ’92), Associate Pastor of St. Luke Church in Columbus, Georgia returned home to inspire the current student body at Red Bird Christian School at its Alumni Homecoming Chapel service held last Friday at the Beverly United Methodist Church. It was also a homecoming to the Beverly Church where his family worshiped when his parents, Bob and Mary Lou Wood, were serving at Red Bird Mission and the Red Bird Missionary Conference.

Robert’s message to the students was to realize that all are created to be a part of the body of Christ and to carry the burdens of others. Robert said,

“From the beginning, God knew that we needed to be in relationship and unity with one another.”

He pointed out when Jesus healed the paralytic let down through the roof of house to him that it was the faith of the paralytic’s friends that resulted in his healing. The message ended when he demonstrated the strength in unity with “Solo” cups. The student was be held up when standing on a surface on top of several cups but one cup could not support alone.

Alumni Hear Message of Gratefulness Among Memories

Alumni, families and staff of Red Bird Christian School were treated to the experiences and challenges imparted by Holli Douglas (Class of 1984) at the Red Bird School Alumni Association Homecoming last Saturday, October 12th. Holli is another Red Bird graduate that has been recognized for her impact on the local community through her service at Red Bird Mission and now to a broader region through her work with Amedisys Home Health and Hospice.

While at Red Bird Mission, Holli led Red Bird Community Outreach to establish the DeWall Senior Center and receive awards for the programming that included recognition for the Meals on Wheels program. Additionally, Holli led the process of application and construction of Red Bird Mission Elderly Housing, Inc., that still provides needed housing for low income elderly. Holli Associate Vice President of Business Development for Amedisys Home Health and Hospice.

She closed her message quoting Jeremiah 29:11; three admonitions – 1) Don’t forget to be grateful; 2) Don’t ever stop moving; 3) Be happy; and her favorite line from Robert Frost's “The Road Not Taken.” 

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.”

ECD - Learning About Campus

Red Bird Christian School ECD Preschool took advantage of the beautiful weather last week to learn about fire safety and history. They took a day to visit the Red Bird Volunteer Fire Station that included a ride around Queendale on the big, yellow fire engine. Another day they walked up to the historic Asher Cabin that is over 200 years old.

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