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Seniors Luau - CAP Encampment - Connect Humanity - Double Dollars

Writer's picture: Tim CrawfordTim Crawford
The Friday Finish – June 28, 2024

Abundant Food and Fun at DeWall Center Luau

The June heat delivered this week to set the stage for the Annual DeWall Senior Center Luau on the Beverly Campus of Red Bird Mission. Staff and participants prepared plenty of food and fun for the festivities that put everybody in an island mood on Tuesday. Participants wore leis and the center was decorated with tropical backdrops, flowers and table decorations.

Participants look forward to the special games that Tammy Adams, Center Coordinator, and staff dream up in keeping with the beach and island theme. The Flamingo Derby was the feature activity bringing folks into the air-conditioned activity room.  As usual, the competitive spirit rises but Charlene emerged victorious with Helen and Patricia taking 2nd and 3rd place.

Once again, the luau demonstrated that Red Bird’s DeWall Senior Center is a safe place for those in their “golden years” to gather for staying healthy physically, mentally and spiritually.  


Three Experience Civil Air Patrol Encampment for First Time

Sarah, Lexie and Benaiah represented the RBCS Civil Air Patrol (CAP) Cadet Squadron at the Civil Air Patrol’s Kentucky Wing Summer Encampment this week. The three are experiencing a “strict military-like training environment” while learning core CAP values of integrity, volunteer service, excellence and respect. They have participated in physical training, character development, aerospace education opportunities, orientation rides out of Muhlenberg County Airport, and heard first hand presentations from experienced pilots on what it takes to become a test pilot. The encampment held in Greenville, Kentucky began Sunday and will end Saturday with graduation.

Connect Humanity Brings Encouragement and Hope to Red Bird Area

The Red Bird Broadband Action Team (BAT) welcomed Connect Humanity staff members based in Ohio and California today bringing a positive outlook for those without broadband access living in our remote mountains. Connect Humanity has been providing grant funding and technical support to Red Bird Mission for the past year to conduct research and compile data to present a case for feasibility to extend broadband access into the hollers surrounding Red Bird. Marsha Roark, Red Bird Broadband Coordinator, has been on the ground working with Connect Humanity to provide the true picture of broadband accessibility in the Red Bird service area.

Samantha Schartman, Director of Philanthropic Programs, presented information about Connect Humanity’s Digital Equity Fund efforts to help communities across America solve the lack of access. The most encouraging news was that their studies of the Red Bird area show that broadband infrastructure can be built out to homes in hollers and revenue could exceed operational costs in a four-year period with subscribers paying as low as $57 per month.

Hilda Legg of Legg Associates and Jamie Collett, Red Bird Mission IT Director, also gave a report on a distance learning grant application submitted by Red Bird Mission to USDA Rural Development. The grant, if funded, will provide hardware and equipment to create five adult education learning centers on Red Bird’s Queendale Campus with the goal of increasing skills and qualifications of community residents that will translate to improved job opportunities.

“Pop Up Market” Aids Seniors

The last Tuesday of each month is the Senior Commodity Distribution pick up for 204 persons served at Red Bird Mission. Since last year, Grow Appalachia staff and some local growers are setting up a “pop up market” each month on the last Tuesday during market season. Opening the market on commodity day enables those already on limited income the chance to get locally grown fresh vegetables and fruit without a return trip to the Red Bird Farmers Market that only opens on Friday each week. Since this was the first “pop up” of the growing season, it was also a good time for some to sign up for the Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program. They were also able to pick up Double Dollars vouchers that increases the amount of free, fresh food accessed at the Red Bird Farmers Markets on the last Tuesday or every Friday.start is a foretaste of many good markets to come this summer.

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